I am starting a new Weekly Feature to help you live a Thrifty Life. Each week I will list ways to live on less. Please add any “Thrifty Tips” of your own!
1. Eat In-Season Food. I recently bought a small watermelon for a buck at Sprouts and Red grapes for 88-cents/pound. It is harvest time for many fruits and vegetables. What a great combination, cheap and nutritious.!
2. Grow your own. My patio container garden is producing tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lemons and limes.
3. Buy Out-of-Season merchandise. You can find clearance specials for everything from swimsuits to kayaks. Just be careful to buy what you truly need…Don’t buy just because it’s a good deal.
4. Get Outside. Enjoy Natural Recreation. Developing an outdoor hobby can provide a lifetime of low cost enjoyment.
5. Get Inside. Cook at home. It is more nutritious and less expensive than eating out. Eat the leftovers for lunch at work. Save restaurants for special occasions.
6. Go to the Library. Give your family the gift of learning. Kids will love the special educational programs. You will love the Peace and Quiet.
7. Get Educated. Learn about Finance. Read books by William Bernstein, Jonathan Clements, Ben Graham, Howard Marks, Scott Burns, John Bogle. Skip the “Financial Pornography” of the Loud Mouths on TV, Radio and the Newsstand.
8. Invest in Yourself. Keep learning new things which interest you. Your favorite hobby may morph into your dream job.
9. Go on Vacation. Choose vacations which are rich in experiences. Create lifetime memories. Recharge your emotional batteries.
So, what do you Think? Can you add any “Thrifty Tips” of your own?